Monday, May 11, 2009

The Medica Listserv

The Medica Listserve is up and running. Whether you are a new member or old, if you want to be added to the listserve, please follow the instructions below. If all else fails, simply email Gerard NeCastro at

Medica’s Listserve is operated via the University of Maine at Machias.

To subscribe to Medica, please send a message to The message you send should read “subscribe medica firstname lastname”. Of course, do not include the quotation marks, and you should include your own first and last names. There is no need to include anything in the subject heading.

Within 48 hours you will receive a confirmation that you have been added to the list, and you will be free to communicate with others in the group.

Important: When writing to other members on the list, please be sure to mail your messages to To send a message to the list owner (if you need to change anything about your subscription), please send a message to